Thursday, March 25, 2010


it has never done a blog before so really don't know what to do or say but will be starting this to document the process of becoming BondageBoss's gimpslave. Although it has been a 24/7 slave twice before it was never at the extreme level that Sir and it are discussing. This has been a lifelong dream and it is rare to find someone who is interested and NEEDS this as it does. Sir seems to be that person. We have not met yet but are currently scheduled for the first training session to be the weekend of April 10th. As it has a lot of previous longterm bondage experience Sir is planning a 2+ day initial trial. While Sir will (of course) not share with me the details, He has told it to plan on being hooded and in bondage the entire time. it is VERY excited about this opportunity (almost TOO much so as it has been burned in the past) and He seems to be very real and we both seem to want the same things. Time will tell of course and it is trying hard to NOT get its hopes up but is really looking forward to the training, even though it knows it will be long, hard, painful but it NEEDS it as much as it needs oxygen. Looking forward to giving more details after the first training session is complete. Maybe.....just maybe....i have finally found a Master who ACTUALLY wants this as much as it does....crossing its fingers. At this point, it is simply grateful that Sir is willing to give me a chance at this opportunity and it wants to prove to Him that it CAN be the bondage gimp slave SIR wants.